Argentine Peso in Namibian Dollar

For translation Argentine Peso in Namibian Dollar enter the desired amount in the left side converter. Swap currencies for reverse transfer. Argentine Peso in Namibian Dollar can transfer using the currency converter. Data on our website updated every day – current rate Argentine Peso to Namibian Dollar downloaded from official sources.





Information updates: 05.10.24 09:00

To calculate the cost of foreign currency conversion, we use market exchange rates 152 currencies of the world.

ARS Argentine Peso

Country of application:







Coin denominations in circulation:
10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 pesos.

Denominations of banknotes in circulation:
1, 2, 5, 10 pesos.

History reference:
Currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the Argentine nuevo peso (ARS), the currency for Argentina. The Argentine song Nuevo was first seen in 1992 when it replaced the australium in the convers...ion of 1 peso to 10,000 australia. Other names for the currency include peso convertible and nuevo peso convertible. The Argentine Nuevo Peso was pegged to the US dollar from 1 peso to one dollar form from 1992 to 2001. In 2002, the peso floated and devalued by about 75%, helping to improve export competitiveness. The export boom led to a massive influx of US dollars into the Argentine economy, which led to the stabilization of the national currency. Some time later, the Central Bank announced support for a strategy to keep the exchange rate between 2.90 and 3.10 pesos to the US dollar in order to maintain export competitiveness. When necessary, the Central Bank prints pesos and buys dollars on the free market (sometimes in large quantities, in the order of 10 to 100 million US dollars a day) to protect the peso from inflation, 27,000 million US dollars have accumulated in the vaults of the Central Bank, despite spending $9,810 million in payment to the IMF in January 2006.

NAD Namibian Dollar

Country of application:






N $

Coin denominations in circulation:
5, 10, 50 cents

Denominations of banknotes in circulation:
10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 dollars.

History reference:

1 ARS to 1 NAD graph


How to convert Argentine Peso to Namibian Dollar with a calculator?

The Argentine Peso to Namibian Dollar online calculator is easy to use. It is enough to enter the required number of monetary units for the data to be calculated automatically.

Online converter Argentine Peso to Namibian Dollar

Online currency converter is a tool that will allow you to calculate the ratio of Argentine Peso to Namibian Dollar for today.  The exchange rate of  Argentine Peso  to  Namibian Dollar  today, 05.10.24,  today 0.0542 ARS to NAD.

Dynamics of the exchange rate Argentine Peso to Namibian Dollar per week, month and year

Over the past 7 days, the rate of Argentine Peso to Namibian Dollar has changed by 350.05%, from to 350.05 ARS to NAD.

Over the past 30 days, the Argentine Peso to Namibian Dollar rate has changed by 0%, from 349.9951 to 350.05 ARS to NAD.

Over the past 365 days, the Argentine Peso to Namibian Dollar rate has changed by 193.2%, from 119.3892 to 350.05 ARS to NAD.