Gibraltar Pound in Rwandan Franc

For translation Gibraltar Pound in Rwandan Franc enter the desired amount in the left side converter. Swap currencies for reverse transfer. Gibraltar Pound in Rwandan Franc can transfer using the currency converter. Data on our website updated every day – current rate Gibraltar Pound to Rwandan Franc downloaded from official sources.





Information updates: 05.12.24 07:00

To calculate the cost of foreign currency conversion, we use market exchange rates 152 currencies of the world.

GIP Gibraltar Pound

Country of application:







Coin denominations in circulation:
5, 10, 20, 50 Gibraltar pound.

Denominations of banknotes in circulation:
1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 pennies, 1, 2, 5 Gibraltar pound.

History reference:
The Gibraltar pound has been the national currency and money of Gibraltar since 1927, although Gibraltar received the right to print its banknotes only in 1934. The Gibraltar pound is pegged to the p...ound sterling at a ratio of 1:1. The name Gibraltar comes from the ancient Arabic language, where it literally means "Mount Tariq" - the Arab commander Tariq ibn Ziyad, who crossed Gibraltar to Europe to capture the Iberian Peninsula. Currently, Gibraltar has the status of a British Overseas Territory, with sufficient autonomy. Gibraltar, which is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is part of the EEC and the EEC customs union, but is not included in the euro area, which allows the territory to adopt its own liberal tax and financial laws, being an offshore zone.

RWF Rwandan Franc

Country of application:







Coin denominations in circulation:
1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 francs.

Denominations of banknotes in circulation:
500, 1000, 2000, 5000 francs.

History reference:
The Rwandan franc or Rwandan franc is the national currency of Rwanda. In 1916, after the transfer of Rwanda from Germany to Belgium, instead of the rupee of German East Africa, the Belgian Congo was introduced, in 1960 it was replaced by the franc of Rwanda and Burundi. In 1964, the latter, which was the common currency for Rwanda and Burundi, was replaced by the Rwandan franc. There is a proposal for a single currency, the new East African shilling, for the five member states of the East African Community. While this was originally planned to happen by the end of 2012, as of December 2020, the single currency has yet to be introduced.

1 GIP to 1 RWF graph


How to convert Gibraltar Pound to Rwandan Franc with a calculator?

The Gibraltar Pound to Rwandan Franc online calculator is easy to use. It is enough to enter the required number of monetary units for the data to be calculated automatically.

Online converter Gibraltar Pound to Rwandan Franc

Online currency converter is a tool that will allow you to calculate the ratio of Gibraltar Pound to Rwandan Franc for today.  The exchange rate of  Gibraltar Pound  to  Rwandan Franc  today, 05.12.24,  today 1473.0 GIP to RWF.

Dynamics of the exchange rate Gibraltar Pound to Rwandan Franc per week, month and year

Over the past 7 days, the rate of Gibraltar Pound to Rwandan Franc has changed by 0.8233%, from to 0.8233 GIP to RWF.