Polish Zloty in Romanian Leu

For translation Polish Zloty in Romanian Leu enter the desired amount in the left side converter. Swap currencies for reverse transfer. Polish Zloty in Romanian Leu can transfer using the Gidfinance-us.com currency converter. Data on our website updated every day – current rate Polish Zloty to Romanian Leu downloaded from official sources.





Information updates: 04.26.24 18:00

To calculate the cost of foreign currency conversion, we use market exchange rates 152 currencies of the world.

PLN Polish Zloty

Country of application:







Coin denominations in circulation:
5, 2, 1 zloty, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 grosz.

Denominations of banknotes in circulation:
200, 100, 50, 20 and 10 zlotys.

History reference:
Zloty (Polish - gold) - at least since the 15th century, the everyday name of the golden ducat, since 1526 - the main counting monetary unit, since 1564 - the silver coin of the Kingdom of Poland, an...d after the Commonwealth, from 1924 to the present - national currency of Poland. Initially, the word "złoty" in Poland was used to refer to foreign-made gold coins (mostly ducats), then for some time in the 16th century, the złoty was a counting monetary unit, and since 1564, złoty began to be minted in the form of silver coins. Before the zloty, other monetary units were used in Poland - the Polish mark (or, as it was also called the "hryvnia"), kopa, and the Krakow hryvnia.

RON Romanian Leu

Country of application:







Coin denominations in circulation:
1, 5, 10, 50 baths.

Denominations of banknotes in circulation:
1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500 lei.

History reference:
The national currency of Romania as the official currency is the leu, otherwise called the Romanian new leu. The new leu is the fourth leu in a series of revaluation currencies since 1867. The new le...u replaced the old Romanian leu (currency symbol ROL) in July 2005 at a rate of 10,000 old lei for one new leu. The current version was used together with the previous leu from March 2005 to June 2006 during the conversion period. Throughout history, the leu has been pegged to currencies of other countries such as the German Reichsmark, the US dollar and the Russian ruble. While Romania is currently planning to adopt the euro as its main currency in 2024, the leu is not currently pegged to the euro.

1 PLN to 1 RON graph


How to convert Polish Zloty to Romanian Leu with a calculator?

The Polish Zloty to Romanian Leu online calculator is easy to use. It is enough to enter the required number of monetary units for the data to be calculated automatically.

Online converter Polish Zloty to Romanian Leu

Online currency converter is a tool that will allow you to calculate the ratio of Polish Zloty to Romanian Leu for today.  The exchange rate of  Polish Zloty  to  Romanian Leu  today, 04.26.24,  today 1.1163 PLN to RON.

Dynamics of the exchange rate Polish Zloty to Romanian Leu per week, month and year

Over the past 7 days, the rate of Polish Zloty to Romanian Leu has changed by 4.2246%, from 4.281508 to 4.2246 PLN to RON.

Over the past 30 days, the Polish Zloty to Romanian Leu rate has changed by -2.2%, from 4.3204 to 4.2246 PLN to RON.

Over the past 365 days, the Polish Zloty to Romanian Leu rate has changed by -1.5%, from 4.2899 to 4.2246 PLN to RON.