Caymanian Dollar in Guyanese Dollar

For translation Caymanian Dollar in Guyanese Dollar enter the desired amount in the left side converter. Swap currencies for reverse transfer. Caymanian Dollar in Guyanese Dollar can transfer using the currency converter. Data on our website updated every day – current rate Caymanian Dollar to Guyanese Dollar downloaded from official sources.





Information updates: 05.10.24 04:00

To calculate the cost of foreign currency conversion, we use market exchange rates 152 currencies of the world.

KYD Caymanian Dollar

Country of application:
Cayman islands







Coin denominations in circulation:
1, 5, 10, 25 cents.

Denominations of banknotes in circulation:
1, 5, 10, 25, 40, 50, 100 dollars.

History reference:
The Cayman Islands dollar was introduced on May 1, 1972, replacing the Jamaican dollar (which remained legal tender until August 31, 1972). Until 1959, the Cayman Islands were a British colony and subject to the governor of Jamaica. After gaining independence in 1962, the population of the islands voluntarily decided to remain under the protectorate of the British crown, and now the state is considered an overseas possession of England. Until 1972, the means of payment on the islands was the Jamaican dollar, and then their own currency, the Cayman dollar, was introduced.

GYD Guyanese Dollar

Country of application:






G $

Coin denominations in circulation:
1, 5, 10, 100 dollars.

Denominations of banknotes in circulation:
20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000 dollars.

History reference:
The Guyanese dollar is the official currency of Guyana. Currency code: GYD. In Guyana, the national currency is the Guyanese dollar. It is split into 100 cents. The international letter designation o...f the currency is GYD, and its symbol is G$. In terms of denominations of coins and banknotes, the Guyanese dollar is not very diverse when compared with other currencies. So, you can find large denominations of 1000 and 500 dollars, and small denominations of 100 and 20. Coins are presented in only three types: 1, 5 and 10 dollars. A few years ago (in 2013) the authorities introduced the $5,000 bill. The cooperative republic of Guyana was colonized by Britain for a certain time. In those years, the state of Guyana was called British Guiana. The East Caribbean dollar was then used as the currency. It was a recognized unit of the OECS (Organization of the Eastern Caribbean States). Since the mid-60s of the last century, during the period of the states struggle for independence, the Bank of Guyana decides to put into circulation its own national currency of the country. This currency was the Guyanese dollar. Then it exchanged with the OECS dollar at a one-to-one rate.

1 KYD to 1 GYD graph


How to convert Caymanian Dollar to Guyanese Dollar with a calculator?

The Caymanian Dollar to Guyanese Dollar online calculator is easy to use. It is enough to enter the required number of monetary units for the data to be calculated automatically.

Online converter Caymanian Dollar to Guyanese Dollar

Online currency converter is a tool that will allow you to calculate the ratio of Caymanian Dollar to Guyanese Dollar for today.  The exchange rate of  Caymanian Dollar  to  Guyanese Dollar  today, 05.10.24,  today 254.37 KYD to GYD.

Dynamics of the exchange rate Caymanian Dollar to Guyanese Dollar per week, month and year

Over the past 7 days, the rate of Caymanian Dollar to Guyanese Dollar has changed by 0.82%, from 0.814588 to 0.82 KYD to GYD.

Over the past 30 days, the Caymanian Dollar to Guyanese Dollar rate has changed by 0.7%, from 0.8141 to 0.82 KYD to GYD.

Over the past 365 days, the Caymanian Dollar to Guyanese Dollar rate has changed by 0.7%, from 0.814 to 0.82 KYD to GYD.